Suing The Devil

2011 1 hr 44 min Drama , Comedy , Thriller

Luke O'Brien, a washed-up salesman turned night law student, decides to sue Satan for $8 trillion dollars. On the last day before Luke files a default judgment, Satan appears to defend himself. On Satan's legal team are 10 of the country's best trial lawyers. The entire world watches on Legal TV to see who will win the Trial of the Century

  • Cast:
    Malcolm McDowell , Shannen Fields , Corbin Bernsen , Tom Sizemore , Bart Bronson , Rebecca St. James , Roslyn Gentle



Wow! Such a good movie.

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A Masterpiece!

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Blake Rivera

If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Jason Brown

When I picked this up for a rental, I figured I could use what looked like a laughably awful and cheesy looking Christian film (I only like maybe 10% of all Christian films, I'm exceptionally picky) and make fun of it. No need. It starts, surprisingly, with a nice and provocative intro, a bit of backstory to bring you to the present. But, soon enough, it shows it's willing to poke fun at itself. In other words, it uses meta humor. It's aware of its cheesy nature and cheesy humor, doesn't always take itself seriously and, when it does, it never gets depressing. Not really. There were times that I laughed out loud for an unexpected moment of humorous madness ("I hate KISS, I'm a Tom Jones fan.") and, with some of the special effects, it's aware it's not using a high budget (I think Duncan Jones's small film "Moon" has a bigger budget) and it was okay being silly. I was worried that, being an independent Christian film, it would rely too much on cheesy allegorical elements and be too heavy-handed on using them. Turns out, it uses such elements a few times, but also gets goofy when using them ("Section 666? I've never heard of section 666, are you making that up?"). In the courtroom scenes, it uses a nice dose of its established humor and some very good twists. I hadn't expected a couple of them, so they were well used in their contexts. You have a side that's siding with Luke O'Brien and one side siding with Satan (everytime I looked at both, I wanted to laugh), and to be honest, the devil side just looks so silly (imagine diecore fans of Marilyn Manson, Motionless in White, Iron Maiden, etc. looking candy softened). Numerous times, the humor did get put aside for a serious topic and shown how fickle human nature can be (like a part about using a racist slur and the immediate reaction, I've seen similar incidents in real life). I was surprised about the balance. If anything negative, I couldn't stand how it ended. I felt very much let down, like a cheap cop out. I won't explain why, but I thought "Seriously? That's it??" Everything up to that point was well done for such a low budget film. Especially with such a well- known actor stealing the show as the devil.

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Kevin Lea Davies

I had the pleasure of having an actress as a friend while I was living in Australia. She mentioned that she was going to be an extra in a movie, and although we made plans to watch it together, I had to leave the country.Thank God I never had to see it with her...Years later she sent me a link to this film on IMDb, and said "oh you should check this movie out. This was the one that I told you about... I played one of the jurors." And since it had been a while I thought; oh why not? It's got Malcolm McDowell, how bad can it be, despite the low rating?Dear sweet lord it was worse than I thought.The acting is terrible to put it gently, even McDowell couldn't pull out a single believable moment to hold the viewer's attention. There is an ensemble cast of first timers, poor talent, and just terrible delivery throughout. The plot is even worse. In a misguided attempt to create a modern Christian comedy, they try and dupe you with what you think will be a funny little courtroom comedy. It's not. It's actually a really bad drama, like a film student's first attempt. I don't think anyone chose what theme they were going for when they made this movie. There is so much Christian rhetoric in this trash that I was literally yelling, "oh just shut it!" at the television. If you don't believe me, just listen to the song in the credits.Better yet, don't watch this movie at all and save yourself a lifetime of regret.1/10 (this is certainly the lowest rating I have ever given on IMDb. If there was something lower than 1, this movie would get it)

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I still cant believe that this is considered as an actual "serious" movie This piece of crap is so bad that I cant even call it anything else than crap sorry, this is not about religion even if one is fundamentalist or very religious he/she cant possibly like this nonsense first of all script was so absurd that I couldn't believe all those who people seriously agreed to be a part of this farce!But considering their rubbish acting skills and performance it is easy to see that they were very desperate.Timothy A. Chey should be jailed for this or religious people should burn him at the stake this is an insult to even religion.I feel offended as a Christian and as an admirer of the art of propaganda he obviously doesn't know what he is doing and lacks the proper skills to make even a bad movie because this is not a bad movie this is blatant nonsense don't waste your time pls

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After reading far too many reviews at polar opposites of the rating scale I decided to look elsewhere for insight into this film. What I found was very helpful, enlightening even. In an interview with the Christian Post the driving farce behind this poor excuse for a feature film offered up these revelations: "The story and title of 'Suing the Devil' appeals to the secular masses. They watch the film expecting a horror film and they're hit with the Gospel," Chey said. Farther on in the article, "That's evangelism!" Chey exclaimed. And... "I love 1 Corinthians 9:22: 'I become all things to all men to win some to Christ.' I've become a filmmaker to win some to Christ," he added.Leaving the religious aspects of the movie aside, from my seat the movie was sorely lacking in any technical merits, bad script, dialogue, acting, directing, FX, soundtrack. As my niece is fond of saying, "it's a hot mess!" Perhaps in 50 years or so it will be looked back upon with a wry smile. Finding itself a place alongside such greats as Reefer Madness, or Hitler's Children and others of their ilk. Blatant propaganda, quite humorous to some, in a pathetic sort of way. But in in all fairness neither Reefer Madness or Hitler's Children was anywhere near as poorly executed as Timothy Chey's Suing the Devil.My rating 2 stars - 1 for getting it made/distributed & 1 for suckering me into watching.Bottom line, forgo Suing the Devil it's a lost cause. If you still crave a religious theme maybe check out Mark Joffe's "The Man Who Sued God" starring Billy Connolly. :)

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