Army of the Damned

2013 1 hr 25 min Horror

The filming of a hit reality TV show goes horribly wrong when a group of small town cops respond to a call that brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, domestic disturbance.

  • Cast:
    Tony Todd , Michael Berryman , Sully Erna , Joey Fatone , Jackie Moore , Tom Laughlin , David Chokachi



I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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I spend a great deal of my life watching invariably disappointing B-movies in the hope that once in a while a gem will come along. ARMY OF THE DAMNED is such a gem: a true surprise in an overcrowded genre, a B-movie that ably mixes humour, gore, action, and tight, focused film-making to make a little crowd-pleasing movie.Don't get me wrong, ARMY OF THE DAMNED is no classic, but it sure as hell is entertaining from beginning to end thanks to a fast pace and plenty of action. The action is centred in and around a single house which seems to have become a gateway to hell, while the various cast members struggle to work out what to do about it. Demonic possession plays a big part and there's a ton of old-school bloodshed for gorehounds to enjoy.The film-makers are clearly horror lovers because they throw in roles for the likes of Tony Todd and Michael Berryman who don't fail to entertain. The special effects are surprisingly decent for the budget and director Tom DeNucci is clearly having a ball, just like this viewer (and what a surprise given his previous movie was the execrable SELF STORAGE!).

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Steven Forde

I will watch this movie again. I got everything I expected. Ever since Sully Erna posted on Facebook about this movie I knew it was going to be somewhere on the cheesy comedic side of an 80s horror/action combo. I wasn't disappointed. People will probably complain that the camera work is shoddy or the script was s**t, but you can't expect that from Indie films. That is what this movie is an "Indie Horror/Action" flick. Let's be honest the bar is not set very high in any of those genres. There may be a total of 10-15 Indie films that could actually score higher than a 7/10 in all categories of criticism. Even less for Horror, and those that are great like "Cabin in the Woods" end up being comedies. The Action bar was set by Schwarzenegger and Stallone, not much to live up to, but that is why there are so many "great" action films now. And on a personal level I love movies that are on both ends of a standard spectrum, Middle Ground movies are forgettable. But give me a movie like this or "The Cobra" or "Mortal Kombat", and I'll get drunk and thoroughly enjoy myself. This is all just to give some context to how I'm reviewing this film.It was a little upsetting to see Tony Todd (IMDb him, you will recognize him from something) get top billing but only have a short amount of screen time. But as far as the Main character goes, Sully didn't do too shabby of a job considering this was his first acting appearance on the big screen and most likely had no acting lessons. If you pay attention to who his character is supposed to be, he seems to fit that character for most of his lines. The rest of the bad lines can be attributed to Indie Horror writing/directing. He very well could do something bigger. The camera work had less to complain about than Transformers 2. To cut to the chase though, any fans of Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness, and possibly Supernatural will enjoy this movie the way I did. (5 shots of whiskey prior to beginning doesn't hurt either!)

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I wanted to like this flick. Not really happening though. It was OK, but just OK. There were some good parts but it seemed just as it would get good it would then become tedious. Lots of action but it went nowhere. It was like the same 15 minute movie over and over again. Production value seemed pretty good as well as camera work and editing. The story lacked, not even sure what the story really was. It seemed to lose itself quite a bit. The acting of the leads wasn't bad. Wasn't good either, but wasn't bad. Best acting came from Michael Berryman(Crazy Earl)as well as a couple of the most humorous moments.I was really looking forward to seeing Tony Todd in something new but he didn't show up until the 56 minute mark and he really wasn't around long. His acting was way under his normal standards. Guess he was dialing it in for a paycheck. Kind of sad, the man is capable of great acting but this ain't it.I gave it a 5/10 because I have seen a lot worse but I've also seen a lot better. For a one time watch when you have a couple hours to blow it does the job but don't expect anything more from it then that.

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ruth beckey

I had no idea what I was watching..the actors or it did keep me intrigued.....if id known a lot about the movie maybe not....its an indie feel film, which I like and the film just manages to pull off something descent. so you don't want to know much about the film before seeing no spoilers. though I hadn't seen the bloke from the original hills have eyes for ages..he looks quite good for his age and plays a good guy in this....look its not that bad.....give the film a go..don't expect a big Hollywood film but it will keep you all depends what you want to get out of films....I think its OK....a fun horror flick basically

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